Have You Got a Bump from Your Nose Ring?

Have You Got a Bump from Your Nose Ring?

Nose piercings are notorious for taking a while to fully heal – in fact, most experts say it takes up to 6 months. During this time, itchiness, swelling, bruising, and soreness are not unusual, and bleeding and yellow crusties are also common. You may also develop a bump from your nose ring, which doesn’t look great and can be quite worrying.

Here we take a closer look at what this bump could be and what could have caused it to develop. We also share some tips on how to prevent these bumps and what you can do to get rid of them.

Should I be concerned about having a bump from my nose ring?

A bump from your nose ring might look bad, but it usually isn’t anything to worry about. In fact, they are very common and often just a part of your body’s healing process. That said, it’s important to know what this bump is and how to stop it from becoming something worse.

Please note: This article specifically refers to the largely harmless bumps most commonly associated with nose piercings. However, more serious issues can occur, so you should seek professional medical advice if your piercing site is:

  • extremely painful, throbbing, or feels like it’s burning.
  • very tender to touch
  • producing an unpleasant odour
  • oozing green or yellow pus

Common causes of bumps from your nose ring

Bumps that appear on, or next to, nose piercing sites are generally one of the following three things:

  • Pustules: These are similar to other spots you may get on your face. They will usually be red, may contain pus, and could be a bit painful. They are usually small infections and can be treated using a range of simple home remedies (more on that below).
  • Granuloma: These are non-cancerous growths that generally won’t appear until around 6 weeks after your piercing. They are an inflammation response, where your nose tissue overgrows when trying to fill in the piercing hole. These will usually fix themselves over time, though sometimes they may need to be removed by a dermatologist.
  • Keloids: These are essentially aggressive scars that form around your piercing site. They are unable to be prevented and some people are simply predisposed to getting them. Sometimes, they will go down over time, but often they need to be removed by a doctor or dermatologist. 

How to treat an infected nose piercing

If you have a bump from your nose ring, it’s probably a pustule, as these are easily the most common type. While this is effectively a pimple, you shouldn’t try to pop it because, if it’s not actually a pustule, there won’t be anything to come out. And, even if it is one, popping it could spread the infection, which could lead to you getting very sick.

If it’s an infection, it’s also important that you do not take your piercing out. If you do, this will allow the hole to close, potentially trapping the bacteria in the piercing site. This can also lead to a much more serious infection, which will be much harder to treat.

The good news is, there are a few home remedies that are said to help heal a nose piercing infection. For example, you can try:

Giving your nose a salt soak

Mix ¼ of a teaspoon of non-iodised salt into 250mL of warm water and soak pieces of paper towel in it. Hold the wet paper towel over your piercing for 5 – 10 minutes, changing to a new piece every couple of minutes. This may sting a little, but will help clean and sterilise the area, and soften any crust that’s formed.

Make your nose some soothing chamomile tea

Chamomile is proven to have a range of health benefits, including reducing inflammation, fighting infection, and encouraging skin restoration. Put a chamomile tea bag in 250mL of warm water and let it steep for 3 – 5 minutes. Soak some paper towel in the resulting solution and apply in the same way you did the salt soak.

Practising a healthy lifestyle

The healthier you are the faster you heal. Eat well, drink lots of water and get plenty of sleep etc. If you’re run down or sick you will take longer to heal your piercing.

Why does my nose ring keep getting infected?

If your nose piercing keeps getting infected, it might mean you need to be more diligent in your cleaning and aftercare. Most piercers will brief you on what you need to do and the best products to use. At a minimum, this should include cleaning your piercing with a saline solution every day, for at least 3-6 months.

Touching your piercing too much can also cause your nose ring to keep getting infected. While it’s still healing, you should avoid touching your piercing site unless you absolutely have to (e.g. during regular cleaning). You should also wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and liquid soap, and dry them with a paper towel, before you do.

Choosing the right nose jewellery

Some of the bumps you can get from a nose piercing are actually caused by the jewellery you choose. For example, many people are allergic to nickel and will end up with skin irritation and blisters if they wear jewellery made from it. You can avoid this issue by choosing pieces made from surgical stainless steel, titanium, or gold (preferably 18+ carat).

The size of your jewellery can also increase your risk of developing a bump from your nose ring. Most piercers will choose a size that fits, but still allows enough room for swelling. However, if you feel that what you have is too small – or too big – you can always change it.

And, with PierceOff’s extensive range, you’ll always be able to find a piece that fits you perfectly. 

Shop our wide selection of nose studs, rings, and septum jewellery today.








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