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Nipple Piercing Jewellery

Nipple piercings are one of the hottest piercings anyone can have and they have exploded in popularity recently with both women and men. You can get vertical or horizontal nipple piercings or even on an angle and there is a vast range of jewellery options. From discreet bars to statement pieces, our range caters for all looks.

Types of Nipple Jewellery

Traditionally, straight barbells and rings were the go to jewellery for nipple piercings but that's changed! New styles and fashions have opened up many more possibilties and looks. These new styles include nipple barbells with forward facing jewelled balls, nipple shields, nipple dangles, nipple chains and nipple rounders.

Nipple Piercing Inspiration:

smiling shirtless young man with nipple ring jewellery in nipple piercing fashion woman with sheer top showing gold nipple dangle jewellery in nipple piercings
woman at the beach with wet top showing nipple piercing jewellery male wearing straight nipple bars in double nipple piercings

Photo by Alexis Cala on Unsplash